Marylin R. Gomes is a designer based in the NJ/NY area.
Marylin Gomes is a graphic designer and arts administrator based in New Jersey. Her work is driven by a research-extensive, human-centered design praxis.
Ms. Gomes graduated from Rutgers University-Newark with a Bachelor of Science in Business Marketing, and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design. She served as the gallery manager for Project for Empty Space, a non-profit art space dedicated to social discourse, activism, and change in Newark, NJ. She has curated 2 sensory art experiences called Zenergies: Born Under a Sign (Summer 2022) and Zenergies II: Applying the Elements (Summer 2023) with her partner, Kevin Cristancho. She has served as an assistant project manager for the Four Corners Public Arts initiative in Downtown Newark, which executed 14 murals in 2019. Additionally, she has worked with numerous artists on executing their vision through the framework of design. She has also served as an Adjunct Professor at Rutgers University teaching Computers in Graphic Design and Motion Design.
She has recently graduated with an M.S. in Packaging, Identities, and Systems Design from the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY, and is working as a Packaging Designer at S3 Design Group. Marylin is open to freelance opportunities - just reach out!